Snakes! Eeeeek! Go Away!
Snakes give most people the creeps. That is a fact. Sort of.
Fear of snakes tops the “fears” list in the U.S. and is far more widespread than other common phobias such as public speaking, heights and spiders. Snakes’ reptilian looks, slithery movements and even how they “smell” with their tongues are, for most, odd, foreign and off-putting.
While they may give most of us the creeps, snakes are not all bad. Many nature-lovers agree that having snakes on your property helps reduce the number of mice, rats and other rodents in residence. Nonetheless, sometimes these reptiles aren’t welcome. Venomous species, varieties that raid backyard birdhouses, and- for those who just don’t like them – any kind of snakes simply have to go.
Because of their contribution to natural ecosystems, we would never suggest you kill snakes, just move them along and persuade them to curl up elsewhere.
Irritate and Offend
In recent years, eco-friendly producers have developed effective natural snake repellents designed to drive away, rather than injure or kill them. These products incorporate organic snake deterrents- ingredients that irritate and are offensive- including cinnamon, cedar and clove oil. These blends trigger an avoidance response. Fortunately, the best of these products does not include substances like naphthalene- the main ingredient in mothballs- which has been linked to cataracts, anemia, and cancer in humans.
How Do These Products Work?
A snake “smells” by picking up airborne scent particles with its tongue and depositing them in its Jacobson’s organ, an olfactory chemoreceptor located in the back of the mouth. When a snake flicks its tongue in and out, it is gathering nearby smells. Natural snake repellents are formulated to smell unpleasant to a snake, encouraging it to avoid the area.
So, before you grab a shovel, believing that is the only way to rid your shed, woodpile or foundation of snakes, try a less deadly approach. Give natural and organic snake repellents a try! Consider Snake Stopper, a product we love and trust to do the job safely and effectively.